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Kidderminster, UK


Worcestershire Acute Hospital NHS Trust | Durrow Management


Architect, Health Planner, Interior Designer, Landscape Architect






Mungo Smith

The Treatment Centre has been developed through the adaptive re-use of an existing hospital to form an essential element of a national and local strategy to deliver high quality modern healthcare. It provides a ‘walk in, walk out’ service that includes a one-stop clinic, primary care centre, local minor injury centre, renal dialysis and a rehabilitation service. The award-winning design is an exemplar for NHS modernisation and only the second operational ambulatory care centre of its kind in the UK.

Kidderminster Treatment Centre

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Primary Community Health Building

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Redcliffe Hospital Redevelopment

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Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital Masterplan

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Kidderminster Treatment Centre
Kidderminster Treatment Centre

From the layout to the way staff interacts with the building users, the Centre marks a significant departure from traditional NHS ways of thinking and working. The design is focused on improving the patient experience by delivering civic environments that are easier to navigate and a more vibrant and attractive place to work and visit.

The central atrium space is both vital to both the social function of the centre and fundamental to wayfinding through a vertically layered building. Drawing on evidence-based research, all in-patient beds are provided in single ensuite bedrooms which have been demonstrated to improve patient recovery and reduced cross infection. Interior design and selection of signage and materials reflect the centre’s local identity rather than National Health Service standards. The renewed environment facilitates the reinvention of staff culture which is pivotal to the success of this new model for patient-centred healthcare.

Best Designed Hospital

Building Better Healthcare Awards

Highly Commended

Building Better Healthcare Awards

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