Frenchs Forest NSW, Australia
Health Infrastructure NSW | Johnstaff Projects
Architect, Masterplanner
Mungo Smith
The populations of the local government areas of Manly, Pittwater and Warringah are projected to grow steeply resulting in an increased demand on existing ageing health facilities and services. Health Infrastructure New South Wales approached MAAP to undertake a feasibility study involving the medical planning and phasing for the new Northern Beaches Hospital which was subsequently developed through a competitive PPP processes delivering both public and private hospital infrastructure.
Northern Beaches Hospital
Related Projects

The site for the Hospital is positioned off two main arterial roads within a larger re-development area. In order to fully integrate the proposed hospital into the existing and proposed urban environment, MAAP first produced a strategic masterplan that sets the infrastructure and structure for any future development. Our proposal focused on creating a number of important public centres, the new hospital, commercial, educational and residential zones linked by a new landscaped and servicing spine. Due to site constraints and variation in ground levels this spine is proposed elevated, enabling car parking to be slotted underneath with buildings to be either built on top or around the perimeter. The strategic masterplan was developed as a reference design which has informed NSW Health's requirements for the PPP.