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Wollongong NSW, Australia


University of Wollongong


Architect, Masterplanner, Health Planner






Noam Raz

The University of Wollongong’s Health and Well-being Strategy provides a revolutionary model of care for older people co-locating aged care accommodation with a new $44 million state of-the-art Primary and Community Health Building (PCHB) - a “one-stop shop” offering non-surgical care focused on preventative and chronic health issues.

Primary Community Health Building

Shoalhaven Hospital Multi-Deck Carpark
Shoalhaven Hospital Multi-Deck Carpark

The Prince Charles Hospital
The Prince Charles Hospital

Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS)
Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS)

Related Projects
Primary Community Health Building
Primary Community Health Building

By combining academic, aged care and health care accommodation, the project delivers an integrated aged care and retirement living community linking research, teaching, and learning.

Three underlying areas of activity will take place at the PCHB, namely:
- clinical care,
- teaching and learning, and
- translational research.

The competition winning design by Tzannes and MAAP provides for equitable access for all individuals and with facilities that can grow and adapt to accommodate future developments with no single clinical discipline having priority over use or quality of space. The majority of spaces are designed with an emphasis on versatility for multi-disciplinary models of care where carers come to the patient who can be treated where they feel most comfortable, with specialist areas limited only to zones where specialist equipment required dedicated space.

All spaces allow for future changes in digital technology and adopt existing exemplar practices within health care settings.

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