Redcliffe QLD, Australia
Metro North Hospital & Health Service | Johnstaff Projects
Masterplanner, Consulting Architect
Mungo Smith
MAAP has worked alongside Johnstaff, Hames Sharley; Arup and Rider Levett Bucknall on the masterplan and concept design for Metro North Health's Redcliffe Hospital Redevelopment preliminary business case which was completed in early 2019.
Redcliffe Hospital Redevelopment
Related Projects

The masterplan addresses the full projected requirements for the hospital over the next decade and informs a range of short list scope options and a preferred scope of development.
It is anticipated that the capital cost of the preferred option will be in the order of $400 million end cost. The masterplan acknowledges that a flexible approach is required to allow Metro North Health to consider the opportunities and costs of a range of scope and redevelopment options as the project progresses beyond the PBC gateway.